Thursday, February 21, 2013

Book Review

      Welcome to all fans of horror and mystery/suspense!!!!           
Today I will do a book review of an awesome book i read           called "Wait till Helen Comes".                                                  
      The first two characters are Micheal and Molly. Their              mother married a guy named Dave. Even though they don't     really care for him that much, they're  willing to work through it in order to make their mother happy.
      The next character is Heather. Heather is a seven year old girl who watched her mother die in a fire when she was three. Ever since that day Heather has had emotional issues, which makes it hard for her to love and trust anyone but her father.

      Heather constantly tries to ruin her dad's marriage to Molly And Micheal mom, Jean. Heather would wander off to places in the middle of the night with a ghost named Helen, whose parents also died in a fire. When Molly and Micheal tried to warn Dave and Jean they just blew it off and said they must be imagining things. But it's only until Molly and Heather's lives are in danger for them to actually listen.

      This is a really great book, full of mystery and suspense and its also kinda meaningful too.I think it symbolizes family should stick together and love each other no matter what happens. That gives us something to think about.